(Image above: ‘United Kingdom’, 1999 Copyright: (c) Layla Curtis / Photograph (c) Tate.
Layla Curtis (www.laylacurtis.com) is an artist and founder of edgework (www.edgework.co.uk) an artist-led, online platform specialising in selling limited edition prints and publications by artists whose practice has a focus on place.)
Come and find out what we are up to and tell us about your ideas and plans !
Livingmaps has nearly 2000 names on its subscription list, people who have attended one or more of our events over the past few years, and/or who follow our on-line journal . We are keen to involve more people in our activities, and to facilitate new projects and events proposed by members of our network.
For this purpose we are organising an event in the New Year which will give you an opportunity to meet the directors and advisory group, and to find out more about our plans for the future. Readers of the journal will be able to meet the editors and some of the contributors, and discuss the possibility of writing something for us. It will also be an opportunity to share your own plans with us, to exchange experiences and ideas with other people in the network, over pizza and drinks.
Welcome and Introduction
Screening of The Citizens Atlas of London
Living Maps Review Panel Discussion
Putting ourselves on the Map: social networking
Tickets are £5.00 to cover the cost of refreshments and room hire. Book here: https://tinyurl.com/vv4forz